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Sprout Fellowship


The Sprout Family Fellowship was established since 2012. The group is made up of families with children or are expecting children.

Objective/Vision of The Sprout fellowship:

To encourage and strengthen brothers and sisters’ spiritual faith, helping them to establish and maintain an intimate relationship with God through regular bible study and interactive activities.

By full dependance on God we also encourage each other to live out life testimonies in their marital family and relationships and in their parenting journeys.

  • Internal: Helping and mutual supporting through prayer and care as they encounter various parenting challenges. Regular gatherings is designed to encourage spiritual growth and develop faithful serving hearts ultimately.

  • External: Caring and supporting new and/or non-believing families with the love of Christ; inviting them to join the fellowship, sharing the truth of Christ and lead them to the Lord.


2023 Goals and Plans

Encourage each couple to lead Bible studies once or twice this year.

This year's theme: “Take root downward, and bear fruit upward”, then practice to live out their family lives in line with God's heart.

Fellowship Time

  • The second Saturday afternoon of each month is a Bible study fellowship

  • The fourth Saturday afternoon of each month is a Life application related fellowship. For more effective interaction, we have separate two groups for this particular gathering

  1. Group 1: Parents with children ages 11 or belowFrom the learning materials of "Realignment of Values", share with each other how to practice it in family life.

  2. Group 2: Parents with children are in youth fellowship, Learning materials from the youth fellowship and sharing with each other how to practice in family life.

“Take root downward, and bear fruit upward”, then practice to live out their family lives in line with God's heart.

Fellowship Theme

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